First off – if you find yourself in a place of being burned out, it’s not your fault – and there’s nothing “wrong with you”! So whether you use the word “burnout”, “dissatisfaction”, or some other term… don’t get hung up on the word – you’re free to use whatever word best expresses where you’re at! Nevertheless, we’re talking about knowing that something has to change, but not being real clear on exactly what can or needs to change!
There are many reasons that a person will become dissatisfied with their life to the point of wondering “What’s it all for???” I think that sooner or later we all get there.
What can exacerbate the problem is when there are stressors thrown in…. kids, spouse, in-laws, aging parents, other responsibilities like church organizations… even though we try to tackle these other issues with love and care – they still take *energy*.
It could be repetition…. get up, get dressed, go to work – where every day is like the day before… long hours, little recognition. Sometimes people have what seems to be “their dream job” … but underneath the facade, it’s not all so grand.
I can promise you there’s a way out — and it’s not necessarily through the back door of your office building!
Sometimes, all it takes is just a few changes… I know that some of these suggestions are “impossible” to your mind right now. That’s ok too! I’ll start with the easy ones.
These are all about getting mind/body/and spirit engaged and peaceful.
- Stretching in yoga-like poses. You don’t have to sign up for a class, but in the mornings, try to get the blood flowing.
- Find one thing each day to be grateful for!
- Live each day as a servant to your God/Higher Power
- Pledge to give one thing of yourself to help another. (Look for an opportunity to cheer someone up, help someone who’s upset, etc.)
- Be in competition with no one but yourself, and strive to outperform your “yesterday” performance.
- optional: after work, engage in some *ACTIVITY* (not TV) that engages your mind and/or creative side.
- Play an instrument, paint, sculpt, engage in photography, exercise, etc. Watch the sun set, and reflect on your day – what went well, and what didn’t.
- Consider areas of improvement for tomorrow.
- A hot bath in epsom salts. (lavendar is my preference, in the evenings)
Do as many of the above as you can manage. And if you need an accountability partner, feel free to contact me for your complimentary session so we can further discuss what can help you!
Coach Donna