A day of prayer & fasting

There is a movement for a new call to prayer & fasting on Thursday, September 24, 2020, for all men of good will. It doesn’t matter what political affiliation you subscribe to, or what god you pray to – just take this day as a solemn day of prayer and fasting- to change our hearts…

Covid-19 and hysteria

I’ve been totally secluded in my house. NOT because of covid, but because I had shoulder surgery. I couldn’t drive, bathe myself, or cook for a fairly long time. I was stuck in a restraining arm brace for a solid month. I am finally back at the point of being able to cook small meals…

A time for mercy

Today is “Divine Mercy Sunday” (the Sunday after Easter). It’s easy to get caught up in fear or anger, particularly in the middle of a pandemic. But let’s hold off on that for now… even if just for a day. Let’s take some time today to consider mercy in our lives. How have you been…

Corona Virus time-out

I’m sure you’re worried about the corona virus… we’ve all been hearing about this non-stop lately. There’s a lot of misinformation, as well as a lot of scary *real* information floating around. I can tell you that this is *not* a time to panic. The reason? Panic never helps *ANY* situation. Only by keeping a…

Today is a gift!

Every day we have is a gift given to us by God. But have you ever asked yourself, a gift for what purpose??? Today, stop and consider why God has given you this gift. It could be your opportunity to learn more about Him, to grow closer to Him… to consider your life and your…

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